Are Money Making Websites Hard To Produce?

Money making websites are not nearly as hard to produce as most people think. The problem many aspiring online marketers run into is that they think they need to know everything beforehand before they start making money. The truth is, it is actually very simple to become profitable on the internet. As long as you have traffic coming in, and you convert that traffic into sales, you are going to make money.

As mentioned, before you can make money, you need traffic. You can get this using a number of different methods, but no matter what, you need to do good keyword research in order to make money online. It is virtually impossible to make a good living online without targeting the right keywords, and this holds true for SEO and pay per click marketers. For most marketers, that will be keywords that get plenty of searches, have low competition, and a high advertiser bid price. However, if you are more experienced, you can target some competitive terms as well.

Once you know the keywords you are targeting, and how you are going to target them (i.e. pay per click, SEO) you need to convert visitors into customers. That is actually not that hard. All you need to do is analyze your competitor’s websites, and figure out how you can do something slightly better than them. This is known in the marketing world as having a USP (unique selling proposition).

For instance, you could offer a lower price, have a more convincing headline, have a better guarantee, give more bonuses, and the list goes on. Something has to be better about your site than the others, or else you are not going to stand out in any way. Therefore, first drive traffic, and then convert those visitors into customers with a USP. As long as you follow these two tips, you will become profitable shortly.

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