Creating your own home based business on the internet is not really that difficult to do. That is if you are prepared to work at it! When I say it isn’t difficult to do this, I don’t mean that you won’t have to work hard, there will be a lot of work to do and at first, you will likely have to do it all yourself.
First of all, (and it’s pretty obvious I know) you’re going to need either a website of your own or access to someplace that allows you to publish content and profit from it.
This can be achieved in a variety of different ways, you could choose a free platform such as a blogspot site or you might want to opt into using a site such as Hubpages or Squidoo which allow you to publish content and then show ads from AdSense, Amazon and Ebay. Lots of people use the last three options and make money online but it is an unsafe method of publishing your content compared to owning your own site.
A far safer way of putting your content on the internet is to actually pay for your own website. Is it expensive? Not really, with most web hosts you can get your first years hosting for next to nothing. Owning your own site in this way gives you complete control of your content. Joining sites such as those outlined above is a great way to get started but what happens if they shut down? You lose everything you have worked for.
Don’t just Blog!
There are literally millions of websites out there trying to make money, their owners ‘think’ that at some point money will start rolling in if they just keep putting extra pages on their site. It’s a huge mistake to think this way! You need to use some sort of keyword research tool to find out what people are actually typing into the search engines. Without this information, trying to build a home based business online is like throwing darts at a dartboard in a dark room, wearing a blindfold, after being spun around 5 times. You have little or no chance of hitting the board, never mind the bullseye!
Choosing a Content Management System
One of the most popular content management systems used by those who want to build their own home based business using the internet is WordPress. Not the free CMS offered at, I’m talking here about a self hosted site using the CMS software from Most web hosting companies will offer you a quick and easy way to install this software onto your website once you are signed up. From there you will have a slight learning curve to deal with, ‘what are WordPress pages vs posts?’ for example is a question that often arises. Most of the questions you have about the WordPress CMS can easily be found on the internet or with your hosting company once you have your initial set-up ready however.
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