Are You Committing These Customer Service Sins?

When you examine something under a microscope, you are likely to see something you didn’t expect. The same can happen when you take a close look at how your company is handling customer service issues. What are some common problems that are not getting handled in the best way?

Inexperienced Staff

Whether you are the supervisor hundreds of employees or the owner/operator of a small business, customer service training is a must. What can be done if this kind of training has been neglected? First, include customer service reminders in your weekly staff meetings for current employees. Second, when taking resumes, whether it a customer service representative resume or for a manager, inform them that they will be receiving regular customer service training. By working with longtime and newer employees in this way, customer service will become part of the culture of your company.

The Inaccessibility Problem

In days gone by, if a client wasn’t happy they could walk right into the storefront and the boss a piece of his mind. However, this is nearly impossible with big business and online businesses. How can you make your company different? By looking for opportunities to keep the “human” factor in your business. Your customers need to be reassured that doing business with you is the right thing to do. Make it as easy as possible for them to fill those needs.

Breaking Your Promise

Promises are made easily, and promises are broken easily. Nothing disappoints a customer more than a broken promise! So before you make that next vow ask yourself, “Can I keep this promise? Am I being realistic?” Fulfilling promises is one of the most important of all customer service skills. Let it be something you excel at.

So, don’t forget to look at your business under a microscope every once in a while. You might be surprised by what you see! Whether it is inaccessibility, broken promises, or lack of training, identify it and address it. Your customers will be delighted that you did!

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