Communications Strategy Template | The Standard Structure To Adhere To

By using a communications strategy template, it should be possible to make sure all the relevant information relating to your project or team is being sent correctly to the right stakeholders. If you miss out any parts of these templates are headings then there is the potential of key information or dependencies being missed.

A good template structure can help with improving communication in the workplace for any internal reports or templates that you use. The difference with an external template structure is that sensitive company information relating to future projects always has to be omitted. The basic communications strategy template structure is as follows:

  1. Project objectives: Detail 3 to 4 of the key objectives of your team. Some other departments may be unaware of the key tasks which your group have been charged with completing.
  2. Progress summaries: It is essential to provide details of what updates to your existing project plans have been achieved, tasks completed, actions missed/deferred, etc. This becomes critical for other teams who have a dependency on the work output of your group.
  3. Financial updates: Most projects have a limited budget so need to be accountable to senior management with regard to their progress using their budgets. This is most easily tracked using charts so may be better placed in the appendix section of any communications templates.
  4. Major milestones hit: Every project plan should have major and minor milestones. Your communication template should detail which of the major milestones have been achieved or the previous reporting period.
  5. Issues, risks & opportunities: This section provides project managers with an opportunity to include items they want to flag further attention of management. In particular, issues may be requiring additional assistance from management’s to have other departments assist in completing them.
  6. Project plan changes: Your communications strategy template should set out what alterations have been made to your project plans over the previous weeks. These may be due to customer alterations or strategic decisions so need to be spelled out explicitly.
Communications Strategy Template | The Standard Structure To Adhere To by
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